This is probably the silliest yet most useful tip I have for new moms: doggy bags. I opted to not get a diaper pail (#smallhouseproblems) but SWORE before becoming a mother that I’d avoid that diaper smell in my house at all costs! Turns out doggy bags cost very little and are VERY effective! I keep a roll in the nursery, the car, the living room, and the diaper bag.
They’ve been beyond handy at avoiding stinky situations:
-You are visiting your friends house and don’t want to spoil the fun by leaving a soiled diaper in her kitchen trash.
-You are on the road with no pit-stop in sight but need to pull over for a quick change-a-roo.
-You are out and about and did the sneaky-mom-change and need to conceal the evidence.
These simple little bags pack some powerful protection anywhere from awkward social situations to simply having the ability to place a “stinker bum” (our odd nick-name for a poopy diaper in our house) in your diaper bag fearlessly!
I love the WILD ONE POOP BAG HOLDER because it comes in the cutest colors (I have pink, no surprise there!) and looks adorable with diaper bags. Their bags are biodegradable which is also a plus. Shop their holders and bags HERE.